Factor-Based Stock Portfolios

Guru Based on Annual
Partha Mohanram 16.3%
Dashan Huang 20.2%
Meb Faber 20.2%
Motley Fool 14.4%
James O'Shaughnessy 17.8%
Martin Zweig 13.0%
Wesley Gray 12.7%
Peter Lynch 12.5%
Kenneth Fisher 12.1%
Validea 12.0%
* Returns are model returns and do not reflect actual trading. Full performance disclaimer
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Factor-Based ETF Portfolios

Portfolio Annual
Factor Rotation - Momentum with Trend 12.8%
Factor Rotation - Composite with Trend 12.7%
Factor Rotation - Momentum 11.9%
Factor Rotation - Composite 11.8%
Factor Rotation - Macro with Trend 10.6%
* Returns are model returns and do not reflect actual trading. Full performance disclaimer
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Sat, 07 Dec 2024

Validea’s Top 10 NASDAQ 100 Stocks – December 2024

Despite the NASDAQ 100’s remarkable performance and dominance among major market indexes, questions have emerged about potential overvaluation, particularly given its concentration in growth companies. However, thorough quantitative analysis suggests there may still be fundamentally sound stocks within this tech-heavy index. Using a sophisticated screening system that incorporates 22 different investment strategies – modeled after legendary investors like Warren Buffett and Peter Lynch, as well as proven academic research – Validea has identified several NASDAQ… View Full Post

Wed, 04 Dec 2024

Validea’s Top Ten Warren Buffett Stocks – December 2024

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Fri, 29 Nov 2024

Validea’s Top 10 Peter Lynch Stocks – November 2024

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Performance Disclaimer: Returns presented on Validea.com are model returns and do not represent actual trading. As a result, they do not incorporate any commissions or other trading costs or fees. Model portfolios with inception dates on or after 12/30/2005 include a combination of back tested and live model returns. The back-tested performance results shown are hypothetical and are not the result of real-time management of actual accounts. The back-testing of performance differs from actual account performance because the investment strategy may be adjusted at any time, for any reason and can continue to be changed until desired or better performance results are achieved. Back-tested returns are presented to provide general information regarding how the underlying strategy behind the portfolio performed in our historical testing. A back-tested strategy has the benefit of hindsight and the results do not reflect the impact that material economic or market factors may have had on advisor's decision-making if actual client assets were being managed using this approach. The model portfolios offered on Validea are concentrated and as a result they will exhibit high levels of volatility and their performance can be substantially impacted by the performance of individual positions.

Optimal portfolios presented on Validea.com represent the rebalancing period that has led to the best historical performance for each of our equity models. Each optimal portfolio was determined after the fact with performance information that was not available at portfolio inception. As a result, an investor could not have invested in the optimal portfolio since its inception. Optimal portfolios are presented to allow investors to quickly determine the portfolio size and rebalancing period that has performed best for each of our models in our historical testing.

Both the model portfolio and benchmark returns presented for all equity portfolios on Validea.com are not inclusive of dividends. Returns for our ETF portfolios and trend following system, and the benchmarks they are compared to, are inclusive of dividends. The S&P 500 is presented as a benchmark because it is the most widely followed benchmark of the overall US market and is most often used by investors for return comparison purposes. As with any investment strategy, there is potential for profit as well as the possibility of loss and investors may incur a loss despite a past history of gains. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Results will vary with economic and market conditions.

Validea.com is a research provider that is owned and operated by The Reese Group, LLC. Validea.com offers model portfolios, screening and stock analysis that is not customized to any individual. No information on Validea.com should be construed as investment advice. Validea Capital Management is a separate investment advisory firm registered with the state of Connecticut. Validea Capital offers investment management services directly to clients and is a separate entity from The Reese Group, LLC. The Reese Group and Validea Capital are affiliated entities and share partial common ownership.